Choose Your Loan Amount & Calculate the Upfront Fee: An upfront processing fee is required to process your application. This fee is refundable and must be paid before your loan can be approved.

50,000 KSH Loan = 3,000 KSH upfront fee

100,000 KSH Loan = 8,000 KSH upfront fee

150,000 KSH Loan = 11,000 KSH upfront fee

200,000 KSH Loan = 16,000 KSH upfront fee

500,000 KSH Loan = 30,000 KSH upfront fee

Pay the Upfront Fee: After submitting your application, you will receive instructions on how to pay the 10% upfront processing fee. This can be done via

Mobile Money (M-Pesa)

Bank Transfer

Credit/Debit Card

Loan Approval and Disbursement: Once the upfront fee is received, your application will be reviewed. Upon approval, the loan amount will be disbursed to your bank account/M-Pesa within 30 minutes.

If you clearly understand the process and are ready to apply, WhatsApp us at +254 754 403 022 with the message "I would like to apply."